The Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce celebrated the grand opening of Wacked Out Weiner with a ribbon cutting. Their new location is 2101 US Hwy 98, Daphne AL. Wacked Out Weiner serves Nathan's all beef hotdogs, a variety of sausages, and nachos with over 40 different toppings!
"We had been talking about opening a small business and originally discussed a sno-cone stand. After reaching out to the WOW franchise owner, he "sold" us! We discussed it for a while, and after a couple of months of discussing and praying, we decided to go ALL IN!"
"We just started with the food truck, and had no intention of opening a store for at least 2 years. We both work other full-time jobs, so the food truck was an on-the-side, part-time "gig". BUT, customers were constantly asking when we were going to open a store in Daphne, so here we are!"
"We are a small, family-owned business. I'm a virtual school teacher and he's a logistics manager, and we have both poured our hearts and souls into bringing this awesome business to North Baldwin. Our children, family members, and friends have helped along the way, and continue to help us daily, so we are LITERALLY an all-in family-owned business; and we can't wait to share our family with your family! We will have monthly contests and giveaways and will also be partnering with schools throughout Baldwin County to participate in different events, so please check our FB page daily to stay up-to-date on all the news."